My Weekend Plans Are rotator CUFFED Again

Thursday morning my physical therapist agreed with me that after three weeks of being cooped up at home, it was time for me to get out and do something.  I planned my own version of a double-header for today, with my son Matt and I attending a Nebraska baseball game this afternoon, and going to races at Eagle Raceway tonight.  My wife was against me going out this weekend, but with my physical therapist’s endorsement, I was ready to argue.


Then Thursday evening Jane and I went to see my dad at Creighton Medical Center in Omaha.  I know I have mentioned my dad’s condition and that his 12-14 hour surgery scheduled for last Wednesday was postponed to next Wednesday.  They decided to do several biopsies and a vein grafting procedure instead.  This was to take just 1-2 hours.  It ended up taking 8 hours and required my dad to stay overnight.  He has struggled getting back on his feet, so they kept him in the hospital for a few extra days.  He is coming home today.


Anyway, the trip to Omaha is a mere 30 miles each way, and we were at the hospital for about 3 hours on Thursday.  I am not sure if it was the ride, the sitting, or both along with a tough rehab session, but by the time I arrived home Thursday my arm was hurting as bad as it had in over a week. I figured if it hurt that bad, that it was likely to hurt far worse riding 110 miles round trip and sitting for about 10 hours, so I decided to wait one more week before I do anything away from home.


Yesterday and today have just reinforced my decision of Thursday.  My arm is still very sore, even though I have iced it and tried to do nothing that would create any pain.  I am trying to wean myself of pain pills, and am down from 12 strong pills the few days after my surgery to 3 much weaker pills today.  I don’t want to up that schedule at all.  When these pills are gone I hope to switch to ibuprofen.


So, I will be watching baseball and auto races on TV today, rather than in person.  And I’ll keep on pushing to loosen and strengthen my left shoulder and arm.  I am looking forward to doing “real” work-outs again. Thanks for stopping by.

~ by Ron Meyer on May 10, 2009.

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